
All scientific work conducted by the SJRRP produces an annual report summarizing findings and outlining future action. Reports, searchable by study name and category, are available in the table below. Prior to 2013, scientific data was summarized into the Annual Technical Report. Annual Technical Reports from 2007 – 2014 are available at the bottom of the page.

Study NameStudy CategoryReport StatusData AvailabilityReaches/ Monitoring StationsMonitoring StatusAnalysis ToolsPrevious Reports
Juvenile Spring-Run Chinook Salmon Production,
Survival, and Emigration in the San Joaquin River
Restoration Area
2020–21 Monitoring and Analysis Report
2020–21 Monitoring and Analysis Report
Striped Bass in the San Joaquin River Restoration
Area: Population and Bioenergetics Modeling
Striped Bass In The San Joaquin Final 2024
Effects of a Riparian Forest on Water Temperatures in the Restoration Area 2014Riparian Microclimate StudyRiparian Microclimate Study 2014
Effects of a Riparian Forest on Water Temperatures in the Restoration Area 2015Riparian Microclimate StudyRiparian Microclimate Study 2015
Flow Accounting: (Reclamation)Flow Management10/31/16 – Record of Decision for San Joaquin River Restoration Program’s Mendota Pool Bypass and Reach 2B Improvements Project (0.2 MiB) available.Data available here
Flow Gage Record Analysis: Katrina Harrison (Reclamation) (MAP Study #1)Flow ManagementNot proposed for 2014. Anticipates resuming in 2015.QA/QC flow data available hereStudy looks at flow data from Reaches 1 through 4A.N/ANone
Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling: Elaina Gordon (Reclamation)Flow ManagementStudy completed. Refer to DRAFT DWR BOR Data Summary 070314 (3.3 MiB) and SJRASALT-ADA (1.8 MiB)Shown in report.Reaches 1A through 5Study CompletedSRH-2D, HEC-RAS
Additional Water Level Recorders: Dave Encinas (DWR) (MAP Study #24)ConveyanceFall 2013 RA Flow Recommendation 10-22-2013 (0.3 MiB) availableNov 15 Letter RA Recommendations Response (0.1 MiB) availableSix locations in Reaches 1A and 1BMonitoring OngoingWater level recorders
Highway 99 Crossing Water Surface Elevation Analysis: Dave Encinas (DWR)ConveyanceMay 6, 2017 (0.2 MiB) available. Full report will be available late 2014.2014 data to be made available with full report.Bathymetric surveys under SR 99 bridgeBathymetric surveys April 2014, Water surface surveys May 2014Topographic/Bathymetric and water surface surveys; HEC-RAS
Monitoring Cross-Section Resurveys: Dave Encinas (DWR) (MAP Study #25)Conveyance2013 data analysis and report pending.Project Vegetation Survey for Channel Hydraulic Model Development (0.3 MiB) available.2013 Revegetation Reconnaissance Surveys (0.1 MiB) availableReaches/Monitoring Stations: resurveys at 14 locationsJuly 2009-March 2013Autodesk C3D
Reach 2A Channel Response: Dave Encinas (DWR)ConveyanceStudy complete. Refer to the MUDSL-ADA (1.8 MiB)Reach 4B, Eastside Bypass, and Mariposa Bypass Channel and Structural Improvements Project Traffic Surveys (51 KiB) available through calendar year 2012.27 cross-section sites in Reach 2AOccurred in June 2012RTK GPS
Changes in Soil Salinity Conditions Resulting from Interim Flows: Stephen Lee, Reclamation (2014 MAP Study #3)Conveyance8/28/14 – SJRRP to Work with Central California Irrigation District on Seepage Projects (24 KiB)117 sitesEM38 surveys and soil sampling
Flow Restrictions Due to Seasonal Groundwater Conditions: Katrina Harrison (Reclamation)ConveyanceSee Seepage Management Plan for seepage projects and conveyance.May 6, 2017 (0.2 MiB) available.
Influence of Paleochannels on Seepage: Katrina Harrison, Matt Burgess (Reclamation, USGS) (MAP Study #4)ConveyanceReport to be available Spring 2015.To be provided in the reportFieldwork to continue through 2014.Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and electromagnetic induction (EM)
Lateral Gradient of Water Table: Katrina Harrison (Reclamation) (MAP Study #2)ConveyanceData presented in Seepage Management Plan, including groundwater level trends at monitoring well transects, detailed information regarding site-specific seepage projects. No separate report to be developed; study complete.Data available in the Seepage Management Plan.Groundwater monitoring well locations in Reaches 1 through 5. See Monitoring Well Atlas.Study complete.
Terrain Comparison Between Wells and Fields: Katrina Harrison (Reclamation)ConveyanceStudy complete. Available in Appendix H of the Seepage Management Plan.Shown in report.Groundwater monitoring well locations in Reaches 1 through 5. See Monitoring Well Atlas.Study complete.
Levee Geotechnical Exploration (San Joaquin Levee Evaluations Project): Greg Farley (DWR) (MAP Study #13)ConveyanceJune 17, 2017 (83 KiB) availableChowchilla and Eastside Bypass Surface Sediment Sampling (93 KiB) availableLocations along Eastside Bypass and Reach 2AOngoing since November 2012Soil borings, Cone Penetration Tests
SRH Group Vegetation Roughness Effects in SJRRP-Affected Reaches: Blair Greimann (Reclamation) (MAP Study #38)ConveyanceVersion 5.1 SJRRP Fisheries Framework 062617- Final Draft (2.5 MiB) available. Related information can be found in Dynamic Vegetation Roughness in the Riparian Zone by Tyler Gillihan, University of New Mexico.See reportsData collected in Reach 1A, 1B, and 2A, with effort concentrated in Reach 2ACollected vegetation data in Reach 2A, completed 2013SRH-2D with vegetation component
Hills Ferry Barrier Evaluation: Don Portz (Reclamation)Entrainment ProtectionProject completed December 2012. Draft report under development.Data, once available, will be posted on the SJRRP website.Locations in Reach 5. See previous report for more details.Occurred from October 1-December 15, 2012.
The Effects of a Riparian Forest on Water Temperatures in the Restoration Area: Carl Mesick, Erica Meyers, Katrina Harrison (USFWS, DFW, Reclamation) (MAP Study #31)Adult MigrationApril 8, 2017 (0.2 MiB)Preliminary data shown in reportTwo sites in Reach 1, 7 sites in Reach 4B and 1 site in Reach 5Study sites and temperature sensors will be modified in summer 2015. Monitoring will continue through mid-2015Microclimate data for HEC-5Q analysis.
Reducing Spring Water Temperatures below Sack Dam: Carl Mesick, Erica Meyers, Katrina Harrison (USFWS, DFW, Reclamation) (MAP Study #33)Adult MigrationApril 29, 2017 (0.2 MiB) availablePreliminary analysis shown in reportReaches 1-5Analysis cannot be completed until another study has been completed: “The Effects of a Riparian Forest on Water Temperatures in the Restoration Area”.HEC-5Q
Thermal Conditions in Riverine Pools: Nathaniel Butler (Reclamation) (MAP Study #29)Adult MigrationStudy complete. Fisheries Framework Appendix C: Summaries of Issue Background Papers (0.3 MiB) availableShown in report.6 pool-riffle-pool sites along river Eastside Bypass; 4 & 5Occurred from July to November 2012Piezometers; temperature, conductivity, and pressure sensors
Adult Passage: Amanda Peisch-Derby (DWR) (MAP Study #20)Adult MigrationSan Joaquin River Restoration Program Fish Passage Evaluation Plan (19.5 MiB)Shown in ReportEastside BypassTask 3 Final ReportFish Passage GeoDatabase, HEC-RAS
Adult Passage - Nonstructural Passage Impediments: Marissa Wulff (USGS)Adult MigrationUSGS Scientific Investigations Report (SIR) Report expected winter 2014Data collected in October 2012 is being processed and is not yet available to publicStudy looks at Reaches 1 and 2 (priority), with potentially Reaches 3 through 5 laterOccurred in October 2012HEC-RAS, ADCP, ARC GIS
Assessment of Predator Abundance and Distribution in Mine Pit Habitat in the San Joaquin River Restoration Area: Zac Jackson (USFWS) (MAP Study #11)Predation Protection2014 Mid-Year Summary available. Full report will be provided in JanuaryAvailable July 2013 as summarized in report34 mine pits in Reach 1February - June: 2013, 2014Electroshock fishing, stomach sampling, fin clips
Benthic Macroinvertebrate Bioassessment Study: Karen Dulik (DWR)Rearing HabitatFinal report to be made available January 2015See Previous Report30 randomly selected sites (per year) distributed throughout Reaches 1 through 5Three year effort that occurred between late May and the end of September in 2010, 2011, 2012. to end in 2012. Not proposed for continuation.Physical habitat characterization
USGS Assessment of Water Quality Data with Respect to Fish: Marissa Wulff (USGS) (MAP Study # 42)Rearing HabitatUSGS Scientific Investigations Report (SIR) Report expected Fall 2014All data in report is from Reclamation's Water Quality Database, publicly available hereReaches 1 through 5. Refer to the Agenda SCTFG 20140820 (0.2 MiB)OngoingN/A
Floodplain Quality: Blair Greimann (Reclamation) (MAP Study #16)Rearing HabitatIn progressIn progressReaches 1 through 5Reclamation is collecting hydraulic conductivity on the floodplain
Minimum Floodplain Requirements: Katrina Harrison (Reclamation)Rearing HabitatStudy complete. 2015 Monitoring and Analysis Plan - Study 31 (0.4 MiB) is availableShown in reportStudy looks at data from Reaches 1 through 5.N/AESHE (Emigrating Salmonid Habitat Estimation model)
SRH Group Hydraulic and Sediment Transport Analysis of Juvenile Salmon Rearing Opportunities: Blair Greimann (Reclamation) (MAP Study #39)Rearing HabitatReach-specific reports to be made available on completion. Reach 3 and 4A anticipated to be completed by December 2014.OngoingReaches 1 through 4aNoneSRH-2D
Juvenile Chinook Salmon Migration and Survival in Mendota Pool and Sack Dam: Don Portz, Charles Hueth (Reclamation) (MAP Study #34)Rearing HabitatProject PostponedN/AReaches 2B and 3Spring 2015Acoustic tags, PIT tags, entrainment netting, temporary fish barriers
Bed Material Data Processing and Evaluation: Elaina Gordon (Reclamation) (MAP Study #17)Spawning and IncubationStudy complete. The information from this field effort will be summarized in the SRH Group Facies Mapping (MAP Study #37) and SRH Group Spawning Habitat Framework (MAP Study #40) reports. A comparison of the gradations changing over time on specific riffles will be included in this analysis.Available16 sites in Reaches 1A and 1BOccurred in June 2012
Continuous Surrogate Measurement of Bedload Sediment Transport using Hydrophone Installations on the San Joaquin River: Mathieu Marineau, Toby Minear, Scott Wright (USGS)(MAP Study #18)Spawning and IncubationMay 20, 2017 (0.2 MiB)Data is being processed and is not yet available to the public.1 hydrophone each on Cottonwood and Little Dry Creeks; 5 hydrophones in Reach 1A; 1 hydrophone in Reach 1BData to be collected WY 2014.6 stereo hydrophones and 2 quadraphones along with associated pressure transducers to quantify sediment transport rates, and bed mobilization and cessation
Effect of Scour and Deposition on Incubation Habitat in Reach 1A: Matthew Meyers (DWR) (MAP Study #27)Spawning and IncubationNo update. Is being prepared in collaboration with the Egg Survival and Emergence in Reaches 1A and 1B of the San Joaquin River (MAP Study #8).Refer to reports.Artificial redds at 5 pool tailouts in upper Reach 1AOngoing. Study currently on hold pending results from artificial redd experiments can be synthesized.Piezometers, impermeable sediment bags
Reach 1A Spawning Area Gravel Mobility Improvement: Matthew Meyers (DWR)Spawning and IncubationStudy to be completed as part of Reach 1A Spawning Area Bed Mobility (MAP Study #28).Data available as part of ATR.Tracers at Riffle 38 and 40 sites 1AOccurred in Spring 2012. Future monitoring is possible, but on hold for now.

  • 2011 Final - App A, Section 16-18 and App A, Section 19-21

  • Spring 2011 - App B, Sections 4-9

  • Spring 2010 - App A, Section 6

Reach 1A Spawning Area Bed Mobility: Matthew Meyers (DWR) (MAP Study #28)Spawning and IncubationSan Joaquin River Juvenile Salmon Trap Efficiency Study (0.3 MiB) available TM expected late 2014Reach 4B, Eastside Bypass, and Mariposa Bypass Channel and Structural Improvements Project Traffic Surveys (38 KiB) availableTracers at Riffle 38 and 40 sites in Reach 1AOccurred during the 2nd half of 2012. Future monitoring is possible, but on hold for now.RFID tracers
SRH Group Spawning Habitat Framework: Elaina Gordon and Blair Greimann (Reclamation) (MAP Study #40)Spawning and IncubationComplete. Report: SpawningHabitatReach1A. SJRASALT-ADA (1.8 MiB) available.April 22, 2017 (0.2 MiB) meeting spawning habitat suitability criteria for depth and velocity availableReach 1ACollected sediment data and facies mapping in summer 2012 and 2013, incorporated data from other studies.SRH-2D, GIS
Egg Survival and Emergence in Reaches 1A and 1B of the San Joaquin River: Zac Jackson (USFWS) (MAP Study #8)Spawning and IncubationMay 13, 2017 (0.2 MiB) available. Full report will be provided in January.Shown in report5 locations in Reach 1A4 years complete (2011 - 2014)Compare empirical vs. modeled survival (Tappel and Bjorn) using sediment size, temp, do, hyporheic and surface.
Monitor Intragravel Dissolved Oxygen Concentrations in the San Joaquin River (Egg Survival): S. Mark Nelson (Reclamation)Spawning and IncubationFisheries Framework Appendix B: Report on Defining and Alleviating à Stressors to Meet Program Objectives and Stressor Ranking Figures (1.1 MiB) and June 24, 2017 (0.2 MiB) available.
Refer to Egg Survival and Emergence in Reaches 1A and 1B of the San Joaquin River (MAP Study #8) for related work.
Shown in reportLocations in Reach 1A. See 2011 Final ATR, Appendix A, Report 29Collection for 2012 data was completed in February 2013Statistical analyses (Pearson correlation)
Reach 1A Spawning Habitat Quantity: Matthew Meyers (DWR)Spawning and IncubationNo new information currently available.<Reach 1AOngoing
San Joaquin River Spawning Habitat Assessment – Incubation Environment: Andy Shriver, Matthew Meyers, Erica Meyers (Reclamation, DWR, DFW) (MAP Study #30)Spawning and IncubationReport to be provided late summer 2014.N/AReach 1A. Artificial and natural Chinook salmon redds.CompleteGrain-size dist., permeability, hyd. gradients, temp., D.O., etc.
USGS San Joaquin River Tributary Sediment and Geomorphology Study: Scott Wright, Toby Minear (USGS) (MAP Study #22)Spawning and IncubationJuvenile Salmon Trap and Transport Study (0.1 MiB) availablePublished data anticipated 2014Cottonwood and Little Dry CreeksData to be collected WY 2014, depending on outcome of Critical Low flow SJRRP meeting1 ISCO pump sampler and pressure transducers on each tributary; 1D and 2D hydraulic modeling for sediment transport estimates
USGS Sediment Monitoring: Andy Shriver (Reclamation), Al Caldwell (USGS) (MAP Study #21)Spawning and IncubationNo monitoring conducted during 2014. San Joaquin River Juvenile Salmon Trap Efficiency Study (0.5 MiB) available. WY 2013 Annual Data Reports for the six sites are available on the USGS websiteAvailable for download here and as an 2/5/16 – Reclamation Releases Final Environmental Documents, Provides $2 Million for San Joaquin River Restoration Program’s Sycamore Island Project (0.2 MiB)Six locations in Reach 1:

  • 11252275 - SJR blw Hiway 41

  • 11252975 - SJR at Skaggs Bridge

  • 11253058 - SJR at Gravelly Ford

  • 11253115 - SJR blw Chowchilla Canal Intake

  • 11254000 - SJR nr Mendota

  • 364619120144701 - SJR 1.3 mi. west of Napa Ave.

Occurs during spring Interim/Restoration FlowsLISST-Streamside laser-diffraction measurements, suspended sediment samples, bedload samples, gradation samples, streamflow measurements
Segregation Weir – Placement, Monitoring and Objective: Matt Bigelow, Zac Jackson, Sierra Franks (DFW, USFWS, NMFS) (MAP Study #36)Spawning and IncubationStudy postponed due to delays in funding/contracting.N/AN/AN/AN/A
SRH Group Facies Mapping: Blair Greimann, Katrina Harrison (Reclamation) (MAP Study #37)Spawning and IncubationReport expected December 2014.Expected October 2014Reach 1AFacies mapping completed in July 2013. Sediment sampling completed in June 2012.GIS
Two-Dimensional Temperature Modeling of Gravel Pits in Reach 1A: Elaina Gordon (Reclamation) (MAP Study #19)Spawning and IncubationSJRASALT-ADA (1.8 MiB) availableModel extends through Reach 1A.SRH-2D model with temperature component is currently being applied to Reach 1A.SRH-2D
Central Valley Steelhead Monitoring Plan for the SJRRP: Don Portz (Reclamation)(MAP Study #14)Fish Reintroduction11/22/10 – Revised Reach 4B Project Proposal and Additional Public Scoping Meeting (0.1 MiB)Shown in reportLocations in Reaches 4 and 5. See report for more details.Occurring from January 1-March 15, 2014Electrofishing, Fyke Traps with Wing Walls, Trammel Nets
Donor Stock Monitoring: Zac Jackson (USFWS) (MAP Study #46)Fish ReintroductionApril 15, 2017 (0.2 MiB) available. Final report covering 2013-14 sampling season will be available in January 2015.Shown in reportParrot-Phelan Diversion Dam in Butte Creek2013-14 sampling season concluded on July 1, 2014. 2014-15 sampling will resume in October 2014Simple summaries of daily catch of emigrating juvenile spring-run Chinook salmon.
Ecosystems Diagnosis and Treatment Model: Katrina Harrison (Reclamation)Fish ReintroductionField Advisory explaining the PIT Tag Study (74 KiB)Reaches 1 through 5<N/AModel development and refinement ongoing.
Fall-Run Captive Rearing Study: Paul Adelizi (DFW) (MAP Study #12)Fish ReintroductionA full report will be submitted in April 2014. Inventory and Monitoring of Fish Abundance and Diversity (0.2 MiB) availableRefer to summaryStudy occurring at Interim Facility at San Joaquin Hatchery in Reach 1.2010 fall spawn through 2013.N/A
Fish Assemblage Inventory and Monitoring: Don Portz, Zac Jackson (Reclamation, USFWS) (MAP Study #9)Fish ReintroductionJune 3, 2017 (0.2 MiB) availableRefer to summaryLocations in Reaches 1 through 5. See report for more details.Occurs quarterly: Jan, Mar/Apr, Jun, OctElectrofishing, Seining, Netting
Juvenile Survival and Migration: Zac Jackson, Paul Adelizi, Matt Bigelow (USFWS, DFW) (MAP Study #10)Fish ReintroductionJune 8 2017 RA Flow Recommendation (0.1 MiB) available. Full report will be provided in January 2014.Data downloads are occurring now30 stationary receivers in Reaches 1 through 54 years complete (2011- 2014)VEMCO VR2W-180khz acoustic tracking receivers
Refining Fall-Run Collection Techniques: Zac Jackson, Paul Adelizi, Matt Bigelow (USFWS, DFW)Fish ReintroductionStudy complete. Available here as part of 2012 Mid-Year ATR.Shown in report.Feather River Fish Hatchery in Oroville, CaliforniaStudy completed in 2011N/A
Salmon Simulator (SalSim) for the SJRRP: Erica Meyers, Dean Marston, Dale Stanton (DFW) / Carl Mesick (USFWS) (MAP Study #32)Fish ReintroductionStudy postponed due to delays in funding/contracting.N/AN/AN/ASalSim Model
Trap and Haul of Adult-Fall Run Chinook Salmon: Matt Bigelow, Don Portz, Zac Jackson (DFW, Reclamation, USFWS) (MAP Study #6)Fish ReintroductionSan Joaquin River Inventory and Monitoring of Fish Abundance and Diversity (0.5 MiB) availableShown in report.Salmon captured on mainstem San Joaquin River, Mud and Salt Slough, and near the confluence of the San Joaquin River with the Eastside Bypass; and terminal end of irrigation canals upstream of the Hills Ferry Barrier. Transported to Reach 1.Occurred from October 1 – December 15, 2013Fyke and dip nets

  • 2012 -

Juvenile Salmon Holding: Zac Jackson, Paul Adelizi, Matt Bigelow (USFWS, DFW) (MAP Study #7)Long-Term MonitoringStudy complete. Report under development.Reach 1 (Friant Dam to Gravelly Ford)Occurred spring 2013.Rotary Screw Traps
Rotary Screw Trap Monitoring: Matt Bigelow, Pat Ferguson, Zac Jackson (DFW, USFWS) (MAP Study # 45)Long-Term MonitoringInventory and Monitoring of Fish Abundance and Diversity (0.2 MiB) availableNot yet available.SR-99 and San Mateo RoadBegan December 2013Rotary Screw Traps
San Joaquin River PIT Tag Monitoring and Site-Specific Technology Development: Don Portz, Zac Jackson (Reclamation, USFWS) (MAP Study #15)Long-Term MonitoringTrap and Haul Field Advisory (0.2 MiB) availableShown in reportLocations in Reaches 1 and 2. See report for more details.Occurred Spring 2012 and 2013
Temperature Monitoring of the Cold Water Pool in Millerton Lake: Tracy Vermeyen (Reclamation) (MAP Study #5)Long-Term MonitoringStudy 13 (51 KiB) available.availableFriant Forebay Below PG&E’s Kerckhoff No. 2 Powerplant Friant-Kern, Madera Canal and San Joaquin River below Friant

Worm farm return flows (Reach 1A)
Ongoing, with semi-annual data collection. Last field visit was November 5, 2014.Plots, time series analyses, multi-year comparisons, and statistics
Vegetation Monitoring: Greg Reed (Reclamation) (MAP Study #23)Long-Term MonitoringStudies 21, 22, 41, 42, 43, and 44 (0.1 MiB)Shown in report.20 vegetation transects throughout all reaches, and Eastside and Mariposa bypassesData collection began August 2011 and will continue to be collected annually.Plant cover, composition, overstory height, and stem density were collected along each transect. Piezometers were used for hydrologic correlation analysis.
Water Quality Monitoring Plan: Stacy Brown (Reclamation )Long-Term MonitoringMonitoring complete. Redd & Carcass Survey, Egg Survival & Emergence Study, and Redd Incubation Environment Study (0.2 MiB) availableHydraulic Conductivity Analysis (0.4 MiB) and/or on Reclamation's Mid-Pacific Region's Environmental Monitoring Database7 sites in Reaches 1 through 5; also within the Mendota Wildlife Management AreaWater quality monitoring ended in October 2013Water sample collection; testing for TSS, nutrients, TOC/DOC, bacteria, cations, anions, and trace metals
Water Temperature Monitoring: Erica Meyers (DFW)Long-Term MonitoringRefer to previous year summaries and reports.Fisheries Framework Appendix D: Analysis of Potential Spring-run and Fall-run Chinook Salmon Genetic Introgression (0.9 MiB) available here and by contacting DFWData collected at 60 sites throughout Reaches 1 through 5: Trap and Haul Field Advisory (0.3 MiB)Continuous hourly dataThermographs

Annual Technical Reports

The Annual Technical Report (ATR) documents all of the previous year’s monitoring and includes studies to guide the next year’s monitoring efforts.